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Guru Poornima Message 2021

Guru Poornima is usually a day of mirthful celebration for the devotees and followers of all Gurus. It is celebrated to acknowledge the greatness and sacrifice of the Guru who imparts spiritual knowledge and spiritual practices. He also protects his disciples from distress and calamities. Guru Poornima is the day to show gratefulness to the Guru who helps the devotees overtly and subvertly when approached. At times, he does so even without being told about trouble or prayed for a solution by a devotee. Keeping a watch on the affairs of his devotees and disciples, he renders innumerable and timely help towards their spiritual and temporal growth. This is known as “Ahetuka Kripa” (unqualified kindness or kindness without strings attached to it). On this day, we revisit and visualise his divine attributes including kindness and render him soulful prayers and conduct special puja in his honour.

However, this year the Guru Poornima assumes special significance because we will approach Shirdi Sai Baba more seriously than before with utmost humility and prayers. Since December 2019, the Covid-19 virus has created global destabilization on all fronts of human existence and panic. In India, it’s effects were realized in March 2020 and fast-track health care measures were accelerated throughout the nation. It was known as the first wave of Corona infection. These days, the second wave is on. Scientists have forecast the commencement of the third wave, a few months ahead. The impact of Corona on our economy, our very survival, health and hygiene, wealth, education, industry, construction, production and distributions systems, socio-cultural and sports activities has been debilitating and depressing. Reportedly, there were more than 187.5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the world and over 4 million people, affected by the virus, died by mid July (see

Even though the pandemic is affecting the human race so adversely, we have to fight it out. For that we have taken certain essential steps.

  • The first thing that, should be done is to pray for peace of the departed souls. We should console their near and dear ones. It includes the diseased persons and also those Corona warriors who, when serving the diseased persons, got infected with Corona and some of them died. Such prayers can be done singly or in groups in real and /or on virtual modes.

  • All of us should strictly follow the protective medical advice like maintaining at least two meters distance from each other, wearing the mask, frequent use of sanitizers and soaps, avoid visiting crowded places unless essential to do so. Any overconfidence or neglect will not only be dangerous to the concerned person but also to the society at large.

  • One must help the hospital, municipality, police, NGOs, media and social help groups who are active as the Corona warriors.

  • One should thus create a hopeful environment through the internet and social media and not create rumors which bring fear and distress to people.

  • One should learn the proper and extensive use of internet services and applications to carry on with many functions/activities from home on a day to day basis.

  • One should help the children who have been deprived of the opportunity to visit their schools and colleges. They need great understanding, love and psychological support at this time.

  • Create a cooperative condition at home so that every member participates in it’s running and maintenance.

  • Finally, one should accept the unexpected changes that have engulfed our existence. Acceptance of change is a sign of progress.

Let us pray Shirdi Sai Baba to give us the wisdom and patience to face the Corona crisis.

May Shri Sai bless us all.

Dr. C.B. Satpathy,



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